Welcome to a new world of smooth customer experiences with our fully contactless payment solution.

V-Pay is a fully automated payment collection service that creates a smooth and effortless experience for your customers to pay for parking.
V-Pay takes one simple step.

Sign up.

Once a parker signs up with their license plate and credit card information, all they need to do is just park and go about their day. Our system will start a timer once the parker enters the facility and will simply charge their credit card when they exit the parking lot.

Your patrons spend less time focusing on what zone they are in or how to pay, and more time shopping in your stores or enjoying your facilities.

Our payment platform offers a more effortless approach to paying for parking which in turn will create a more compliant lot.

It’s the seamlessness of signing up and never having to worry about inputting additional information again that makes Vanguard stand out.

Automate your parking lot >